My TTT experience.

I’ve been a fan of the mini comic since the first issue when it was introduced. I remember Paul Marhue from High School doing the internal school, mini comic style zine called: Circus Maximus. I loved what he and his co-authors did and it was mirrored in what I saw with Tick Tock Tom years later. I used to frequent the comic shops of the downtown Toronto area and got familiar with Tick Tock Tom.

I sent Chetan a letter of some kind stating who I was and a copy of my TTT short story called: Love and Clocks. He agreed to use my story in issue #6 and I was over the moon. Soon after that I was a constant contributor to the mini until the end.

Unfortunately for me, I was not able to graduate to the full size professionally printed version of TTT. I did cheer them on hoping to get in there sooner or later. When the black and white comics boom subsided, my hopes were dashed. I am glad to see that Chetan has resurrected the book and added more ideas, characters and stories. Thankfully he tapped me again after all these years to contribute.

Now that we’ve crossed over into the age of the Web and Social Media, I am curious to see how TTT will do. Will he blow up the Web? Will he make nice? We will see…Thanks for including me on this second journey to mount doom…

– Peter Macchione


“That’s Mr. Macchione to you bud!”

peter letter