Those who have seen the film ‘Chasing Amy’ may remember a recurring joke about inkers just tracing a penciller’s lines with ink. As with so many things, you really don’t know what is truly involved until you do it.
As well, it is quite a different thing to ink work by someone else versus your own. As you can see Peter Macchione did an exemplary job telling the story from the outline and thumbnails of Chetan Patel. It was a bit daunting for me to step up and render the page in ink. Indelible INK. Fortunately, I had just finished a story and was able to ride the momentum into working Peter’s pages.
The main cast was drawn in but the setting was left somewhat undefined. After some thought the interior of the coffee shop was based on that of the local Starbucks.
One final note: I have no idea where the hand in the top panel has gone. Between the time the page was photographed and when I received it to ink, the hand vanished. Ah, the mysteries of comics…
-Tom Yeo