After reports of a coup attempt at the head offices of Tic Toc Tom, the International Press Office has released this photo of Mr. Yeo facing a firing squad. Reports that he requested a scotch and soda instead of the traditional cigarette are unconfirmed. No mention was made of his maid outfit.
Readers should note the placement of the hysterically oversized street arrow. It seems that the Tic Toc Tom Firing Squad™ isn’t trained well enough to know in which direction to shoot. Maybe that’s because they also request scotches and sodas before firing.
Editor’s note: This is a copy of the original cover art from Tick Tock Tom Issue 6 o’clock. The photographer is the immensely talented Jeff Turner who has done some fantastic work on the book, from the very beginning. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a degenerate but, a talented one!